Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More thoughts on Revenge

I drive into the city about once a week these days and I find it fascinating to see the billboards come and go over the course of the year. I often wonder how accurately they ride the trends and how much they steer trends.

Yesterday, I saw this sign:


Certainly other people have observed the over-litigious nature of our society before but I find it fascinating to see the convenience of the internet applied to feeding this trend.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for standards and regulations for manufacturers. Ethical manufacturing and marketing are a must.

But I'm not a fan of the get-rich-quick-in-a-spurious-lawsuit mentality which seems to blossom in our society.

I could be wrong, but I think websites like whocanisue.com feed personal irresponsibility and finger-pointing more than enable legitimate claims.
What do you think?

Further reading:

Time Article:
"As if there aren't enough lawyers out there inventing lawsuits, now we're going to invite the public to do so," scoffed prominent Miami trial attorney Richard Sharpstein, a partner at Jorden Burt. "I think this is nothing more than a referral service," he says of WhoCanISue.com. "It encourages, if not creates lawsuits. Our country's courts are clogged with unnecessary and frivolous lawsuits which delay, if not obstruct, the access to courts of people that really need to get there, that have serious legal grievances."

Does anyone else find it ironic that this link and the following image also show up on whocanisue.com?